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How to Balance Brand and Performance Campaigns

A traditional mentality no longer works when it comes to measuring brand performance.

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Data-driven decision-making is on the rise. Organisations have been shifting media budgets towards ‘easy-to-quantify’ performance campaigns, resulting in greater awareness of ROI and campaign effectiveness. However, this focus also presents a growing challenge for marketing teams: quantifying the long-term impact of brand-building on overall sales and balancing branding with performance efforts.

This challenge has given rise to a counter-trend. Many organisations are now concentrating on the impact of a long-term strategy that integrates branding and performance to deliver optimal results over time.

A strong brand makes it easier to achieve performance goals, as brand strength translates into increased sales and traffic. Building a robust brand is, therefore, crucial for achieving sustainable performance objectives.

The image depicts a balance scale comparing Brand and Performance marketing outcomes:  Brand (blue side): Includes stacked elements labeled Awareness, Interest, and Consideration, representing long-term objectives. Performance (green side): Includes stacked elements labeled Traffic and Sales, representing short-term goals. The scale leans towards Brand, emphasizing its greater weight or influence compared to Performance. The visual highlights the interplay and importance of balancing brand-building efforts with performance-driven activities in marketing strategies.

Tips for a Data-Driven Approach

Taking a data-driven perspective suggests a long-term relationship between brand and performance KPIs. To measure branding’s enduring effect on sales, you need a well-defined, long-term investment strategy that balances media spending between branding and performance campaigns. Here are a few tips for maintaining this balance:

Combining branding and performance supports both a holistic view and the synchronisation of short-term and long-term results. This integrated approach fosters synergy through increased organisational clarity and provides practical tools for informed media investment and strategy decisions.

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